I know it's you, I can forget
v1 (300DPI version)
v1(150DPI version [All below are 150])
Program used: Adobe Photoshop CS4 & Topaz Labs Filters (v3)
Time taken: Aprox. 4-5 hours
Source Images used: Aprox. 9
Theme: Juliana Theory's Shotgun Serenade, in particular the quoted line on the image: "There's a freight train coming to force your head in check" and the previous line in the song, which is the title of the piece, "I know it's you, I can forget"
Process: I actually tackled this one backwards from what it was supposed to be. We were supposed to grab a quote/source and build an image around that, but after going through some images that gave me some inspiration I decided to work on something that's been floating around in the back of my head for some time, so I went for the image first. The base is a simple tunnel that's an end, but I wanted it to look like a "psuedo subway" so there is originally a subway image superimposed on top of the normal ending and then blended into the image. Although it ultimately didn't show up as much as I wanted it to, I'm quite pleased with the effect it DID provide and the color and flow it provides to the rest of the piece. Then I wanted a few images placed along the walls to act like memories, thus two images chosen of similiar looking females on the left side in a "punk" style and then an image of a "scene" male on the right side (Less space and more angled served to remove most of the focus off that part, instead just providing some nice texture in the end. No complaints as it was more or less simply to make the right wall look less plain, and it's ultimate goal was accomplished thusly.) The fire at the end is composed of three images. At it's base it's a manipulated universe stock of two planets colliding, and then two 3D objects super imposed on top of it with varying effects to create the impression that it's moving outwards. Overall I'm quite pleased with the image. A variety of filters to make the image look more like it's one, and then a variety of final outcomes because my own personal taste is kind of skewed (My personal favorite is v3) and may not be exactly aesthetically harmonious for most people. The text/"inspiration" was chosen because I felt like it really fit what I was going for with the image, and as I was going through a list of songs to find one that fit it, Shotgun Serenade started playing and I immediately realized it was the right one - Might have been my unconscious at work when designing the piece as this song is by far one of my all-time favorites.
Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the source images and they are all the trademark of their respective owners - all images were acquire from free-use stock sources.
Stock Images:
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